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Reader’s Comments Welcome

on Tuesday, 01 November 1955. Posted in Social Credit

The current issue of SOCIAL CREDIT completes the first volume of this paper, made up of twelve numbers. With its fifth number, May last, we commenced regular monthly publication.

While it is desirable that SOCIAL CREDIT should grow to the point where it carries itself financially, its publication was in no way undertaken for financial profit. The publishers' sole aim was to contribute to the spread of the Social Credit message throughout English-speaking communities and sections of Canada, as they have done for sixteen years with their other journal, VERS DEMAIN, throughout French-speaking Canada; and to create a growing interest in Social Credit and encourage readers to action in the line of Social Credit.

Do the pages of this paper, as written, reach this goal? The readers, better than the editors, can give the answer.

Our initial subscribers have now had twelve issues; others, ten, eight, six, or less. But all are invited to write to us freely what they think of the articles published in the paper to which they subscribed.

Do you like your paper? Do you approve of it in its entirety? Or, are there some articles you enjoy, and some others you dislike? In the latter case, would you indicate which features you prefer?

And what about its style? This paper is designed to enlighten the average reader, not only the scholar; although the scholar may find much valuable and widely suppressed information, even in this modest publication.

Then, tell us, Mr. Reader, if the pages of this paper make intelligible and stimulating reading for you. Do the ideas spring up in your mind as quickly as your eyes scan the lines? Or, does the reading of some articles require effort to grasp the points they are trying to develop? But remember that only by exercise can our faculties of understanding and comprehension develop and grow. We publish information not only relating to the financial and economic aspects of Social Credit, but also challenging articles and reports on the anti-Christian policy and strategy being employed today to enslave all peoples. We do not pretend to please everyone. And less, yet, can we allow our pages to harbour all kinds of subjects unrelated to Social Credit and the movement which propagates it. But the readers impressions, if made known to us, may be a guide to improving the presentation of the subjects with which we deal.

Thank you in advance for the benefit of any comments and observations with which you may be kind enough to favour us. Our postal address is:

The Institute of Political Action, P. O. Box 27, Delorimier Ştation,

Montreal, P. Q.

P. S. to Social Crediters: There is no better way of showing your appreciation of our efforts, than to introduce SOCIAL CREDIT to others, and solicit and send in subscriptions for friends and neighbours.

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