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Today's problem is not to produce, but to pay

Written by Gilberte Côté-Mercier on Sunday, 01 March 1998. Posted in Social Credit

There is no unemployment problem, but a problem of money

The Financiers create poverty

Governments are the puppets of the Financiers

A modern wallet

Social Credit wants to put in the wallets of the people the same progress as there is in the production of wealth. Today, one makes all kinds of goods; cars, washing machines, refrigerators. And the producers are able to supply all of this as long as the people are able to pay for it.

It is the "able to pay" that is at fault. This "able to pay" has not been updated. It looks like the cart of my grandfather. The cart has been replaced by the airplane. Why could not today's backward wallet be replaced by a modern wallet, like Social Credit?

In fact, Social Credit demands that the money to spend, the money to pay, the purchasing power for all, be in keeping with the goods available for sale that are produced so easily.

Do not say that Social Credit is too nice to be true! Are mass-produced automobiles for all, real? Do mass-produced refrigerators for all, exist? Why would not the wallets, mass-filled for everyone, be as true?

Social Credit means the same progress in finance as in production, in order for the people to be able to pay for what the same people are able to produce.

Today's problem is no longer to produce, but to pay.

Therefore, it is the problem of paying that we must tackle with.

All should understand this, for this is important for everyone.

Look at the unemployment rate, which is higher and higher. And all of those young people who are unemployed! What a problem! An unemployment problem? Not at all! Not a problem of unemployment, but a problem of money. A lack of production problem? Surely not! There is too much, of that production! It is a problem of a lack of money in the hands of the consumers to buy the products. If you are unemployed, do not ask for work anywhere; you will be told that business is not good, that products do not sell.

Everywhere, it is only a problem of money. There are products in the stores and warehouses. There is so much production that it is precisely because of this that there is unemployment. There are too many products which do not sell.

Therefore, it is not work that we should ask for when there are still products that do not sell. Why ask for a job? To make other products that will no more be sold than the first ones?

What should we demand? Well, we should demand the thing that we need. We should demand money to buy the products, since it is money that is lacking.

Social Credit says: "The financial system is not in keeping with the production system. The wallets are not in keeping with the stores, full of goods."

The financial system must be put to work. Wallets must be filled, and the problem will be solved for the unemployed and for the others.

Let us suppose that the Parliament in Ottawa votes in the Social Credit Act today. This law includes a monthly dividend of $800 for each person in Canada.

Therefore, on next April 1st, each of us, each of you would receive a check for $800 signed by the Minister of Finance.

And what would happen then? Well! The case of the unemployed would be partly solved by the $800. A family of 6 persons would receive $4,800 a month. Then the problem is solved, is it not?

And this dividend to everyone would help to put business into action.

The unemployed, who do not buy today, would then buy. The merchants would sell. The producers would produce. And the unemployed would be called back to work.

Would this not solve the problem of unemployment?

It is this way that we must solve the problem of unemployment.

A Social Credit legislation must be passed, a dividend must be distributed to everyone, and business will resume its activities.

What about money? It is only bookkeeping

Some may say: "But, where would the Government then get the money to pay a dividend? The taxes would rise?"

No, ladies and gentlemen, under a Social Credit system, taxes would not rise. On the contrary, they would all disappear!

Social Credit is not like today's upside-down financial system. Social Credit is a financial system that is right-side up.

In order to understand Social Credit, one must get rid of the prejudices of the present system.

Today, there is no end of being robbed by taxes. We are up to the point of believing that it is necessary to be robbed.

The Social Credit dividend would be paid by the country with the bookkeeping of the country.

Yes, money is only a question of bookkeeping. Money is basically figures in the books of the bank, or on pieces of paper that we call dollars. Money is a matter of figures, of bookkeeping.

Banks create figures to finance wars in large quantities, as many as there are soldiers, war factories, and war workers. Why would we not set up a similar bookkeeping system in peacetime, and create as many figures as there are products that we need to live, and as many as there are workers to produce more?

Money is essentially bookkeeping. When the products are made, one must never lack figures to pay for them.

Where will the Social Credit dividend come from? Certainly not from taxes, but from new issues of money made by society, because there are products that are not sold, and that call for new issues of money.

The products do not sell. The people want these products. It is only money that is lacking. Society creates the money that is lacking. And that money is distributed as a dividend to all.

Very nice and so easy

What is more simple? Please, do not say that it is too nice and too simple to be realized. These are not arguments.

Some will say: "Well, if this Social Credit system is so easy to apply, why are governments not eager to vote in this law?"

It is because governments are led by the Financiers, and the Financiers do not want Social Credit to be applied. The Financiers presently control the money system. It is they who trigger crises, and make them continue as long as they want, by keeping money tight in our wallets.

The Financiers create these crises in order to appropriate our goods. When there is a crisis, people lose their lands, their houses, their businesses. And it is the Financiers who seize them all.

It is this way that trusts become richer, and citizens, poorer.

The Financiers hold in their hands all that is needed to become richer, and to impoverish the people; they control as they please the financial system. They even control our governments, which are now their puppets.

This is the reason why governments do not hasten to establish a Social Credit system. They are afraid of standing up to the Financiers.

As long as the voice of the population is not stronger than the Financiers', governments will not apply Social Credit.

Do not say that Social Credit is too nice to be true, to be implemented. The reality is that the population is not yet enough informed and awakened. What is needed is to inform the people, and to make them stand up to rightly demand the application of Social Credit.

And above all, do not count on so- called "Social Credit parties" to give you Social Credit. A political party divides the people rather than unite them around a common demand to create a pressure that would make any government Jean Chrétien's or others yield.

Gilberte Côté-Mercier

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