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What Would Social Credit Do For You?

on Friday, 31 December 1943. Posted in In This Age of Plenty (book)

In this age of plenty - Chapter 28

First, let us point out that Social Credit does not change anything in the form nor in the value of money. It does not take a penny away from anyone.

The Social Credit technique, by making an equilibrium between production and purchasing power, protects the value of the dollar, which the present system does not do. Would one buy as much with the 1945 dollar as with the 1935 dollar? Social Credit makes all inflation, as well as all deflation, impossible. The present system does not do so, since the Government is forced to intervene through decrees to prevent prices from going up at certain times, or to keep them at a sufficient level on other occasions.

Social Credit would not take anything away from anyone, but it would give something to everyone. It is possible, since during a war, we can give many extravagant things to the enemies, and it does not ruin our country at all; we are still more prosperous than before we made these gifts.

For the family

Social Credit would guarantee the necessities of life to each and every one. For the family, it would be a guaranteed family income, since there would be as many dividends as there are people in the home.

This is respect for the family, put into concrete form through actions, and without the preliminary contributions and the humiliating inquiries of the current plans. It would mean to each young man and woman who wish it the means to start a home and a family, and to pursue their ideal.

For you, farmers

For the farmer, the advent of a Social Credit system would mean the possibility of living comfortably off his land, without having to work on highway maintenance or in the service of lumber companies to maintain a living wage. It would mean the possibility of getting for his children the education which would best enable them to prepare themselves for the careers of their choice.

The increase in the consumers' purchasing power would maintain a continuous market for farm products, without one having to search the four corners of the earth for markets. And the products corresponding to real needs would be sold without any loss for the producers.

Have you noticed the modern machinery and the sophisticated experimental farms? What would prevent a farmer from having something similar when the sale of his products would bring him, not only enough to live on, but also the means to develop his facilities?

We would certainly see fewer of our farmers forced to abandon their farms, to go and settle in a city. A farmer would be more apt to keep his home since electrical and mechanical help, and more comfortable domestic facilities, would make his life less hard and more attractive.

For you, settlers

The settler deserves much from society, since he contributes to spreading the country's productive heritage. Nevertheless, how often is he not condemned, with all of his family, to misery and privations? He, who is in so much need of the strength of his arms, is he even able to feed himself adequately? He, who is in so much need of his entire day to transform the forest into fields, is he not often forced to give months and months to companies, so as not to completely die of hunger?

There are sufficient resources already developed in the country to support easily those who apply themselves to creating more.

Social Credit, in guaranteeing the basic necessities of life to everybody, therefore to each family member of each settler, would ease this pioneer's conditions. The settler would be able to give all of his time to his plot of land, to achieve a quicker output, and to get for himself the ploughing implements and farm animals needed as he enlarges his fields.

For you, workers

But what would Social Credit do for the workers?

First of all, it would bring the end of crises, periods of unemployment, when there are so many needs to satisfy. Even so, there would be a gradual reduction of working hours with the coming of the machine to help human labour; but the reduction in employment would not mean a reduction in purchasing power. Even with more leisure time, purchasing power would remain at the level of production for sale on the market, the dividends growing when wages and salaries disappear, because of the replacement of human labour by the machine.

The employer, being ensured a suitable market for saleable products, would be better disposed towards his employees. The employee, more independent because of his ensured necessities of life, would be in a better position to demand reasonable working conditions.

The wild competition, created by a system where the industrialists have to fight over the current insufficient purchasing power, would no longer have grounds for existence. The employer would understand better that his interest is linked to that of his employees. Harmony between both would be made easier, and the reasons for strikes removed.

For you, professionals

Purchasing power, increased by Social Credit to the level of all production, of services as well as goods, would allow people to have recourse to the good services of professionals whenever the need is present.

Social Credit would also be the effective means of avoiding State control over the professions, and consequently of retaining for each person the freedom to practice his profession without becoming a civil servant.

Like the other citizens, the professional, as well as all members of his family, would receive his national dividend, in addition to his fees.

For you, civil servants

What about the civil servants?

The civil servants would no longer have fear of the guillotine, of having their jobs cut by the Government. First of all, the guillotine would lose its cutting edge, with a variety of careers open to suit all tastes and aptitudes. If one hangs on so strongly to positions in the civil service today, it is because one fears unemployment if one leaves the service.

Then, the existence of a multiplicity of careers available in business, agriculture, and industry would take away the desire for employment in the service of the Government from many candidates who fill the antechambers today. The present civil servant would have all the less reason to fear being displaced.

For you, businessmen and industrialists

The corner storekeeper will certainly not be offended to see his customers buy more and pay better.

Industry is active when it sells its products. With the purchasing power of the consumers being kept at the required level, industry is ensured a permanent domestic market. As for exportation, it would be made easier, because importation would be welcomed. It is the accepted imports which make the payments for our exports easier abroad.

By delivering products, industry and private business would reach their ends and give satisfaction to the consumers. One would cease to hear the clamor for State control and nationalization. Social Credit loathes all State control. A Social Credit Government would refrain from intervening into the conduct of private enterprise, which can see to its own affairs when the consumer is able to buy and to pay.

For you, electors

Now, if one considers each citizen of age as a voter, one will understand that, having no longer to beg for Government favours from members of Parliament or ministers to get his three meals a day, the voter would be only more independent and more free. The rotten electoral machine would have less ascendancy over consciences.

Social Credit would therefore contribute powerfully to making electoral practices healthier. This would not be a small blessing.

For you, opponents

Then who can fear the advent of a Social Credit system? No one, except those who seek to dominate, those who live off exploiting other men. They are not really able to succeed in this exploitation unless the great majority of people cannot get their bread without accepting servitude.

But a Social Credit system would protect even those who are opposed to it to satisfy their ambitions. It would protect them by preventing them from having to face up, sooner or later, to the unleashed wrath of a whole people embittered by misery, indignant, with good reason, because of the exploitation with which they have been victimized.

To restore order in time is the only way of avoiding the scourge of revolution — the natural fruit of a system which foments permanent disorder in the shadow of the law.

Axe of Social Credit in finance claw

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