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Why do We Always Accuse High Finance?

Written by Louis Even on Monday, 01 January 2001. Posted in Social Credit

Some people ask us why we always put the blame on the financial system, pinning almost everything on High Finance. They ask why we do not focus our attack on governments, as political parties do, and why we criticize the system more than those who run the country.

The answer is quite simple. It is captured in the following remarks by Clifford Hugh Douglas in the last chapter of his book, The Monopoly of Credit:

“Perhaps the first point on which to be clear is that this immense, nay, almost omnipotent, power which is yielded by the financial organisation, and which therefore must in the nature of things be responsible for the situation in the world today, has not until recently been recognised in its true nature.”

It is ‘in the nature of things’. It is indeed clear that the powerful can act and that the powerless cannot. The powerful give orders, and the rest are forced to submit. The weak can resist the powerful, but they can neither dictate nor be served by them. There is only one solution left for the weak and powerless: that is to run away when it is possible and escape from the jurisdiction of the powerful.

The financial power dominates governments themselves. Most people, even Members of Parliament, still ignore the fact that money is created out of nothing by commercial banks. This fact was kept hidden from them and was not taught in economic textbooks until recently. One can read in the Book of Hosea (4:6): “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.”

The purpose of MICHAEL is to deliver this knowledge to the people, so that they at last know the truth about the present debt-money system, and how it can be corrected.

These reflections do not excuse those in power in our governments. If the financial system is more powerful than governments, those in office could at least avoid being the defenders, advocates, and protectors of the current system. They could, moreover, denounce this power, and proclaim their determination to get rid of it by a complete reorganization of the financial system, and thus gain freedom from the supervision and regulations of the International Financiers.

When a population and its government agrees to free their economy from the present financial system and its regulations, the next logical step is to set up a financial system linked to realities; a financial system that is at the service of the productive capacity of the nation, and for the population, without worrying about what the leaders of the present financial oligarchy might think.

The MICHAEL Social Crediters apply themselves to securing an agreement between the people and their elected representatives to convince both of the benefits and necessity of financial liberation. When Social Crediters denounce those in office, they do not denounce them as the authors of the present economic and social disorder, but as accomplices by omission; mute dogs as it were, because their first duty should be to ‘bark’ and then to ‘bite’.

What we say about the ruling class also applies to the long list of lackeys that extends from the financial dictators all the way down to the commoner whose livelihood depends on blind obedience to his masters. These little slave leaders side with the financial tyrants, either through insane complacency, by turning a blind eye, or by crass ignorance. The latter is no longer excusable.

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