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on Sunday, 01 January 1956. Posted in Taxes

"While the work of Christ our Lord among men was designed to bring 'peace on earth' in the highest sense, by re-establishing the lost harmony of human nature in His grace, and the lost unity of mankind in His truth, He Himself gave warning to the world that the Gospel would bring to it 'not peace, but a sword.' From the beginning of Christianity, that sword of division has made its presence felt — sundering believer from unbeliever despite the most intimate ties of kinship.

"The claim of Our Lord to be a Heavenly Sovereign exercising power on earth through His Universal Church introduced a dichotomy with the human community which was unknown to the classical world — and with it, a tension and conflict which have been felt ever since — never more, indeed, than in our own age.

 "The principle of 'secularization' which removes religion from the public sphere and makes State authority the only law-giver, is all but universally accepted in our society. Finally, the new idea of the State as the embodiment of some kind of ideological 'truth', through which society must be morally united and human life refashioned, cuts at the very root of the Church's doctrine of the Kingship of Christ. — The Advocate, Melbourne, republished in The Ensign, Dec. 24, 1955.

"Popular US television programme, 'The $64,000 Question', has prompted timely comment in Monthly Letter of First National City Bank of NY, which points out that contestants are discouraged from risk-taking in going after the top prize because of the heavy inroads which tax collectors would make on their gains.

"A contestant who solves $32,000 question successfully, Monthly Letter points out, takes home, after taxes, and assuming he is single and has personal income of $4,000 a year, only $16,000 actual prize money. Winner of $64,000 question, thanks to progressive income tax, would take home, if successful, $8,708 more. Little wonder, then, that few contestants are willing to risk an assured $16,000 for chance to win only $8,708 more.

"If taxation is so serious a disincentive to risktaking in quiz show where contestants put up no original capital of their own, it follows that it serves as even greater discouragement to risktaking enterprise."  The Letter-Review, — Fort Erie, Ont.

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"There cannot be the slightest doubt that a state of mind very much like that of Israel now prevails among American Jews. There is a fanatical certainty abroad that there is only one truth and that Israel is the sole custodian of it. No distinction is made between the Jews of the world and Israel, and or even between the Israeli government and Israel. Israeli statesmen and their policies are assumed to be inviolate and above criticism. There is a frightening intolerance of opinions differing from those of the majority, a complete disregard of reason, and a yielding to the emotions of a stampeding herd.

"There is only one important difference between the Israeli and the American Jews. In Israel, the outburst of emotionalism, as far as one can judge from outside, has a basis in reality. It wells from the hidden springs of a dissilusioned people who were promised security and peace and find themselves in a war trap. The American-Jewish brand of hysteria is entirely without roots in the realities of American Jewish life. It is completely artificial, manufactured by the Zionist leaders, and almost mechanically foisted on a people who have no cause for hysteria by an army of paid propagandists as a means of advancing a policy of avowed political pressure and of stimulating fund raising. Never before has a propaganda campaign in behalf of a foreign government been planned and carried out more blatantly and cynically, in the blaze of limelight and to the fanfare of publicity, than the present wave of hysteria now being worked up among American Jews." — William Zukerman in Jewish Newsletter.

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