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Calgary Fights Fluoridation

on Sunday, 01 March 1959. Posted in Fluoride

We have before us a letter from Mrs. Rose Wilkinson, member of the legislative assembly of Alberta. Mrs Wilkinson writes from Calgary and besides bringing us best wishes, the letter also warms our hearts with the news that fluoridation is being vigorously and effectively combatted in this queen city of the foothills...

Mrs. Wilkinson writes that a council has been formed to fight fluoridation, and that so far it has been "giving the fluoridation a bad time of it". Bravo! When enlightened and determined citizens make up their minds to oppose a harmful measure, they cannot do otherwise but succeed.

Mrs. Wilkinson goes on to say that at the time fluoridation became effective in Winnipeg, their council was inactive. But in Vancouver it was instrumental in having fluoridation tossed out after it had been voted in. She writes that the issue of The Union of Electors for January, 1959, which carried out an especially heavy bombardment against the fluoridators, has given their council additional ammunition with which to fight this menace.

"The Social Credit government here has legislation which enables the council to call for a plebiscite of the electors on this question," writes Mrs. Wilkinson. And again,"We have a brief in for Mr. Manning (the premier of Alberta) just now and we feel he may waken up to what this hoax means."

We congratulate Mrs. Wilkinson, whom this editor knows personnally to be a veteran fighter for the rights of the people under every and any circumstance. We congratulate those who are fighting with her. We extend to them our best wishes and the offer of any assistance we might be able to afford. This is the kind of political and civic action which the organization of the Union of Electors has been teaching for twenty years, first through its French-language journal, Vers Demain and latterly through it and its English-language counterpart, The Union of Electors.

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