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On November 19, 1993, at a meeting of the Asia Pacific Economic Community (APEC) in Seattle, WA, under the chairmanship of U.S. President Bill Clinton, Australia lost the final remnants of its sovereignty, bringing to an end a nearly 50-year process which began when Australia's governing cabinet agreed to sign the November 19, 1946 Bretton Woods International banking agreement after World War II.
Now Australia is rapidly sliding into Third (or Fourth) World economic status. Since the acceleration of “free trade” agreements in the 1970's, pushed by a succession of socialist governments according to prearranged plans cooked up in London, Moscow, New York, Washington, and other power centers, Australia's moral, social, political, and economic life has been ruined. If you want to see what the New World Order looks like – or means for your children – look at Australia.
In 1972, the national debt of Australia was $23 billion, with a manageable 9.8% GDP in 1982. But to keep up its high standard of living, the Australian Government borrowed billions of dollars from private banks at high rates of interest, which plunged it into a debt of $225 billion. The interest payments on this huge debt deprived the Government of the money it needed for many of its social programs. This is why the country has now fallen from one of the world's highest standards of living to practically a Third World standard of living.
“The last half of the '80's and the first half of the '90's,” writes Jeremy Lee in Upon the Millennium, “carried Australia through an escalating crisis which saw tens of thousands of domestic enterprises either close down, move offshore, or be swallowed up by foreign multinationals. The latter, given full rein by the Labour Party, cut through the Australian economy like sharks. Satiated by a limitless choice of targets, they simply toyed with disintegrating Australia. They kept the names of the ‘icons’ they had swallowed where it suited them. As Australian-made goods disappeared from the retail shelves, they were replaced with foreign-owned goods – either from overseas or from foreign-owned productive units in Australia.
“Hardworking Australians stood bewildered in fields of unmarketable fruits and vegetables, while overseas produce was shipped in to fill market space which once carried Australian goods; orange juice from Latin America, while Australian citrus rotted on the trees; fresh and frozen vegetables from Southeast Asia, while Australians ploughed their unsaleable produce back into the soil; pork from Canada, jams and bottled preserves from Poland, fish products from China and Scandinavia... The importation of steel-based items... and electrical products were legion.”
Meanwhile, “it is said that there are 56 taxes on a loaf of bread by the time it reaches the consumer.”
Oh, the glories of free trade! Australia had emerged from World War II with one of the strongest economies in the world, the highest standard of living, and it was totally self-sufficient with its broad base of small farms. Now sixty percent of the Australian-owned farming sector has been wiped out. In 1960, there were 300,000 farms; now there are not even 100,000. In 1997, the remaining farmers were quitting the land at the rate of 35 per week. Of the remainder, 80% were in debt, owing $18 billion to banks in mid-1996, an average of $133,000 per farm.
Australia is now a debtor nation, almost entirely foreign-owned, a cog in the New World Order. Its once-proud steel industry is now Chinese owned... though Australians were required to borrow the money from the international bankers to pay for the Chinese purchases. The standard of living is in a free-fall; real wages are declining; unemployment is rising, as is homelessness, suicide, mental illness, and environmental disasters, as the countryside empties out into overburdened urban areas. The politicians, of course, say things never looked rosier. Australia is now "multicultural" and a "partner" in the international order.
Jeremy Lee tells the story of what happened to Australia, but also of what is happening to the U.K., Canada, the United States, and the rest of the so-called First World as a result of 75 years of international banking agreements and post-World War II trade agreements.
Because of the acceptance of the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) that was recently negotiated in secret in Australia, a great deal of economic sovereignty in the country has been demised. Already 80% of the economic activity in the country is managed by international corporations. This process has been assisted by the Government's entry into other agreements, such as the Financial Services Industry Agreement (FSIA) on December 12, 1997, by which it signed away its right to prevent foreign takeovers of Australian banks and insurance companies. Already the largest shareholder of the ANZ Bank was Chase Manhattan Nominees (Rockefeller, 11.6%).
Briefly, the strong economies of the once-sovereign nations of the once-Christian West have been sacrificed on the altar of socialism. In paintaking, meticulous, chronological detail, Lee shows how NAFTA and GATT, the WTO, the IMF, and the thousands of other international bureaucracies fulfill Joseph Stalin's 1936 Comintern conference agenda to establish "regional groupings" that would eventually amalgamate into a one-world order.
On the heels of economic controls come the so-called social legislation, the anti-hate laws, the affirmative action laws, the cultural-diversity requirements, and the thousands of pages of laws issued from United Nation bureaucracies, and rubber-stamped in parliaments by legislators who haven't a clue on what they are voting on.
All of this is bringing an end to sovereignty and democracy in the country. Globalism has resulted from the apparent union of capitalists and socialists as something new, a compromise, a third way between capitalism and socialism.
And what is globalism? Gobalism is Global Governance to bring in the One-World Government.
There are literally dozens of books written on the subject of global governance. But none of these books were written by conspiracy theorists. They were all commissioned by the United Nations or groups associated with it, like the Club of Rome Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), which are now regarded as legitimate institutions of Global Governance, even though their power has no democratic basis. All of those books concern the establishment of a new world order in which the sovereign nation state is replaced with a global order of interdependent member states under a new form of Global Governance.
The real third way would be the application of the Social Credit doctrine of C.H. Douglas, which would give back to the country its power to create its own debt-free money. Then every Australian would be able to live according to the progress of their self-sufficient country with all of its natural resources and capacity to produce.
The people of Australia should make those around them aware of the errors of globalization and of the United Nation's world laws to bring about a total control on each nation and individual. Let us pray to God for the grace and courage to stand up against this world takeover.
Extracts of this article were taken from the book “What will we tell our children?” by Jeremy Lee, P.O. Box 1234, Toowoomba, QL 4350 Australia.