Page 27 - Michael 2024 May
P. 27
different ways to build a sub-
way. But they also went to
Europe looking for ways to
finance their subway, to see
whether they would borrow
money from Paris, Brussels
or London, rather than from
Federal School taxes New York, Montreal or To-
taxes ronto, to build the metro.
Provincial This is not to say that if
Municipal money is brought in from
France, Belgium or England
TAXES to build the Metro, the Metro
will be built by Brits, or by
TAXES They drown Belgians, or by Frenchmen;
us to pay
it will still be built by Can-
the debt!
adians. It will be built by Can-
adian workers, by Canadian
engineers I gather—I doubt
whether many will be invit-
ed from so far away for this
purpose. And those who will
be paid for this construction
will be fed with food from
our stores, with Canadian
products, or with foreign
In the present financial system, deficits simply mean more taxes for the future. products that have been
exchanged for Canadian
What is even more absurd, is to demand that the products. Therefore a subway will be built in Montreal
price of these things be reimbursed, and that interest using goods that belong to Canadians, and afterwards,
be added on top of it. to whom shall we pay this subway? To the British? To
The $200 million was issued as credit, as money Belgians? To the French? Where is the logic in all of
written in the banker’s ledger, or through a similar this?
channel. Some will answer: “That’s the way the financial
What is money? Money are figures that are used system works.” Yes, we know of course it is the finan-
to buy and to sell: Figures, whether they be written cial system, but there is something wrong with all of
on paper bills, on metallic coins, in bankbooks; noth- this that needs to be changed, to be corrected. Instead
ing more than figures. Figures had to be made, figures of allowing ourselves to be the slaves of the financial
had to be found—$200 million in this case—to allow system, let us put the financial system at the service
the people to produce. of reality.
These figures are the permission given, granted to Social Crediters have been saying this for years.
the population to accomplish $200 million worth of pub- They have gone so far as to ask the Federal Govern-
lic works. Isn’t it strange that the Government and the ment: “Since we have a Bank of Canada—a bank said
population should have to ask permission to make things to be for Canadians, a bank which, according to its
that are useful to the Province, and that they should have charter, must see to it that money, credit, be at the
to pay for this permission, and to pay interests upon this service of the country’s industry, of the country’s
permission, and return all of this to the banker. production—why force us then to indebt ourselves
Such a system is not worth much; worse yet, it is towards financiers who profit from the people’s pro-
duction, and who indebt the population for a produc-
an absurdity. And for the Government to admit such tion it has itself made?”
a system, such a state of affairs, is to forfeit its power
to a power that has given itself, that has granted it- Why not ask the Bank of Canada to issue, free of
self by this means the right to control the country’s interest, all the money, all the financial credits need-
population and its Government. ed to proceed to the performance of public works
Much was said about the construction of the that can easily be executed and which are asked by
the population. This applies to public financing and
Montreal subway in the 1960s. Montreal’s mayor and public production, but could also be applied to the
his deputy mayor had to make several trips to Europe. production of private goods. v
What for? Undoubtedly to see different blueprints, on
Louis Even MICHAEL May/June/July 2024 27