Page 29 - Michael 2024 May
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Social Credit, as Douglas presented it, as MICHAEL Human powerlessness
strives to present it better and better to its readers, Question — Supposing a government in office
cannot be linked to a political party, and even less be would wish the well-being of the people, could it
used as a label for a political party, without prostituting adopt and implement Social Credit, or would a refer-
the meaning of words. endum be needed?
“Social Credit” and “party” are two contradictory
terms. The first term implies an association that in- This question implies that until now, no govern-
cludes every member of society; the latter implies a ment has ever wished the well-being of the people, but
division, a group that fights against other groups for that such a well-meaning government can come out of
power. The aim of a party is to come to power to run a future election. This is quite a severe judgment for
the country, whereas the aim of Social Credit is to the present and past governments, and one must be
distribute to each individual a power that will free quite optimistic to suppose that, from the same tree,
him more and more from state interventions. a completely different fruit could be picked. But let us
admit that supposition: a perfect government is now
As for the platforms of political parties, after all in office. Can it adopt and implement a Social Credit
that has been seen in less than a generation, more economic system?
than blind faith is needed to attach importance to
them. Only one point in their platforms is sincere: to The answer is NO. With or without a referendum:
try to win the election, in order to come or remain in NO. It is humanly impossible in front of the present
office. A truth like Social Credit cannot be subjected to power of the financial monster. (Please note the word
the criterion of a majority of votes. “humanly”.)
Nothing of course can prevent politicians — The financial monster, the super-power of the
whether in office or not, and whatever their political global controllers of money and credit, is more power-
allegiance — from being personally convinced of the ful than all the governments in the world; it dominates
excellence of Social Credit, of proclaiming it object- them all!
ively, and not out of political self-interest. But to make This subjection of governments to the lords of
of Social Credit a party’s platform, and to promote Finance is no secret. More than a century ago, Dis-
the idea that bringing this party to power is enough raeli, who was several times Minister of Finance and
to implement the Social Credit principles, is to lie and even Prime Minister of mighty Great Britain, publicly
hinder the progress of the Social Credit Cause. complained about this state of affairs, but could not
Social Credit is a living idea; it lives in the minds free himself from it. Other statesmen spoke alike. Be-
of the people who welcome it and who become its sides, one just has to look at the situations that follow
apostles. To make of it a simple question of vote in one another in our times: a ten-year money shortage
favour of a man or a party is to reduce the meaning of (the 1929-1939 Depression), followed by six years of
the words “Social Credit” to a lifeless thing that implies war with plenty of money, then cyclic credit squeezes,
no personal responsibility whatsoever. perpetual and ever-increasing public debts, concerted
austerity measures, whereas nothing diminished in
Books on Economic Democracy the production capacity of the countries in question.
These plain facts show that the controllers of
money and credit “hold our lives in their hands” (Pope
Democracy Pius XI), and that with banks at their service, they “dir-
ect the policy of governments, and hold in the hollow
of their hands the destiny of the people” (Reginald Mc-
Seen in the Light of The Kenna, one-time Chancellor of the Exchequer, and for
Alain Pilote Social Doctrine of the Church
a long time Chairman of the Midland Bank, England’s
largest commercial bank). Governments, reduced to
Pius XI Pius XII John XXIII Paul VI John Paul II
A study prepared by Alain Pilote the state of lackeys of this super-power, are unable
to free themselves from this bondage — even if they
Published by the Pilgrims of St. Michael, Rougemont, Canada
wanted to!
We encourage our readers to visit our web-
site ( to read the full Does it mean that any hope is in vain, and that
text of our various books and brochures in order any effort to promote the Social Credit Cause is use-
to better understand the principles of Economic less?
Democracy. If you prefer a print version of these Oh, no, not at all! But it means that one must not
resources, visit our website and follow the links rely on governments, on changes of parties in office
to order copies from our Rougemont, Canada of- to overcome a power that is superior to all the gov-
fice. We especially recommend new editions of ernments in the world: to do so would be a waste
two of our classics, Economic Democracy (in 14 of energy; it would be like wanting to knock down a
lessons) $13; and In this Age of Plenty: $15. fortress with cotton balls. u MICHAEL May/June/July 2024 29