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u                 The Lord’s anointed                    borne to a truth, every ray of hope communicated to
                                                             demoralized people, every elevation of a soul, or every
            Oh! One  day it happened that a young man
        (David), a simple shepherd without military training,   conversion brought about by their example and by the
        and with no other weapon but a staff, a sling, and five   message they carry, is a benefit. They are convinced
        smooth stones in his shepherd’s wallet, faced and    that an economic organism that adopted it would fa-
        slew, with a single stone, a nine-foot tall (three metres)   vour distributive justice for the welfare of everybody,
                                                             every family. But, without diminishing their own ef-
        giant (Goliath), trained to arms from his youth, clothed
        with brass from top to toe. David had put all his confi-  forts, they rely above all on God, just like David.
        dence in God, knowing well that “with the strength of    In the years that followed this second world war,
        His arm, God drives the proud astray in the conceit of   Douglas expected nothing from any state action to
        their hearts.”                                       bring the necessary reform in the financial system.
            Quite a lesson is being taught to us here. The So-  He rather predicted that the present system would
        cial Crediters of MICHAEL are often reminded of this   eventually  become  unbearable,  and  would  bring
        lesson,  and  they  endeavour  to  take  it  into  account.   about its own collapse. He wrote that the action to
        Only a celestial power can triumph over the most     be taken by the supporters of the Social Credit light
        powerful terrestrial  powers. Heaven  wants  us to  do   was to spread it, so that when that situation would
                                                             occur (the collapse of the present financial system),
        our part, and do it the best we can, just the same, but
        we must not rely on our action only. Young David did   the minds of the people would be prepared, and it
        not  say:  “I will  do nothing!  What  would  be  the  use   would be just as easy to inaugurate right away a fi-
        of facing a powerful warrior who laughs at my weak-  nancial system in keeping with modern civilization as
        ness?” No, he did his little part. He used the weapons   to try to do it with partial reforms.
        he had — a staff, a sling, and five stones — doubtlessly   The Social Crediters of MICHAEL maintain, along
        held up to ridicule and called a fool — and God did the   with Douglas, that as regards Social Credit, the efficient
        rest, the bigger part.                               work to do is to enlighten the population on the mon-
            The Social Crediters of MICHAEL do not stop,     opoly of financial credit, attributing to it the bad fruits of
        even despite their own weakness, in front of an enemy   which it is the cause in the lives of people, of families, of
                                                             institutions, and, in front of these bad fruits, to expose
        power  that  is humanly  invincible,  despite  years  that
        succeed each  other without  noticeable  successes,   the doctrine of genuine Social Credit, which is so bril-
        despite mockery, criticisms, or betrayals. They know   liant and in keeping with common sense. v
        that every step made for a just cause, every testimony                                                        Louis Even

                      The 1935 Alberta Experiment

                         by Alain Pilote                     Credit party should not exist as it was a “profound
            Some people may have thought — and others may    misconception.” Douglas added:
        still  think  it  today  — that  promoting  a  “Social  Credit   “If you elect a Social Credit party... it would be
        party” is the best way to promote Social Credit, but C.H.   to elect a set of amateurs to direct a set of very com-
        Douglas and Louis Even thought the exact opposite.   petent professionals. The profes-
            As Douglas and Louis Even pointed out, the cre-  sionals, I may tell you, would see
        ation of a “Social Credit Party” was even a nuisance,   that the amateurs got the blame
        and  only  prevented  the  establishment  of  genuine   for everything that was done.”
        Social Credit. For example, as soon as one uses the      This is what happened in Al-
        words  “Social  Credit”  to label  a political party,  the   berta in the 1930s. Douglas wrote
        minds of people from other parties become closed     in 1937 an interesting book on that
        and cease studying Social Credit principles, since   subject entitled  The Alberta Ex-
        they will consider it only as another of the opposing   periment, from which the follow-
        political parties.                                   ing information is taken.
            Real democracy requires that elected represent-              The Alberta Experiment
        atives  express  the  will  of  their  constituents.  In  that   William Aberhart was the principal of a Calgary
        case, the aim is not to create new parties, and divide   high school who commanded a province wide audi-
        people further, but to unite the people with common   ence with a book on Social Credit, and impressed
        objectives, and then pressure the government to im-  by this new “light”, preached the “gospel” of Social
        plement  these  objectives.  MICHAEL  advocates  this   Credit on his radio program and mobilized support
        method of applying pressure to the political process.  for  its principles.  Hundreds  of  study groups soon
            In a speech given to Social Crediters on March   emerged across the province, and a majority of Al-
        7, 1936, Clifford Hugh Douglas stated that a Social   bertans supported Social Credit.

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