Page 31 - Michael 2024 May
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The “United Farmers” party, in political power at   berta could overcome this difficulty by establishing a
        the time in Alberta, were interested in Social Credit   provincial credit system of its own, as the Constitu-
        but believed it could only be implemented on a na-   tion granted the right to “raise loans upon the sole
        tional, rather than on a provincial, level.          credit of the province.” As Louis Even explained,
            Notice, as long as Aberhart’s movement was limit-  money is based on the country’s production, made
        ed to educating the people, all was well, much like the   by labor and natural resources, both under prov-
        education movement launched by Louis Even around     incial jurisdiction, according to the same Canadian
        the same time in Quebec. Even, just like Aberhart, had   constitution.
        come across a book explaining Douglas Social Cred-         Douglas  wrote  in  The  Social  Crediter  on  Sep-
        it, and stated, “It’s a light on my path,                          tember 11, 1948: “When Mr. Aberhart
        everyone needs to  know it.”  Unfortu-                             won his first electoral victory in 1935,
        nately,  things  turned sour  in Alberta                           all he did was to recruit an army for a
        when Aberhart’s education movement                                 war [against the monopoly of credit].
        morphed into a political party.                                    That war has never been fought.”
            Aberhart disagreed with the                                       Aberhart  had  learned  from  his
        United Farmers, and presented Social                               mistakes during his first years in office
        Credit candidates in the 1935 election,                            and was ready, after World War II, to
        and won 56 of the 63 seats in the prov-                            take up the fight again, but he died in
        incial legislature. In the 1935 election,                          May of 1943 (under suspicious circum-
        Aberhart did not even run as a candi-                              stances; several spoke of poisoning
        date. The newly-elected “social credit”                            following an official dinner).
        members, claiming the presence of                                     His successor, Ernest Manning,
        their teacher, one of them resigned to                             declared, in 1947, that his government
        make way for him, and Aberhart had to                              would no longer attempt to implement
        take the office of prime minister, with                            Social Credit in Alberta. Incidentally,
        the state coffers empty and civil ser-      William Aberhart       after retiring from politics, Ernest Man-
        vants awaiting their pay, not to mention the creditors   ning accepted a position on the Board of Directors
        of the public debt.                                  of a bank, and was appointed a senator by Canadian
            All  these  56  “social  credit”  MLAs  were  new  to   Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau.
        politics, and formed, to use Douglas’ expression, a      So those who say that “Social Credit is that failed
        “group of amateurs” who were no match for the Fi-    ‘funny money’ scheme tried in Alberta” are incorrect.
        nanciers, falling into their trap and committing sev-  Social Credit did not fail in Alberta, for the simple
        eral errors which could have been avoided, had they   reason that it was never tried. All attempts to imple-
        followed Douglas’s advice.                           ment Social Credit policies were opposed and de-
            For example,  when  Aberhart  took office, rather   feated by a centralized power. Douglas said that if
        than listening to Douglas’ advice, he went to Ottawa   Social Credit was absurd and without value as an ef-
        seeking financial credits to implement Social Credit.   fective answer to the Great Depression, that the best
        The federal government provided instead an eco-      way to have this demonstrated would have been al-
        nomic adviser, Mr. Robert Magor, whose apparent      lowing the government of Alberta to implement So-
        objective was to undermine Social Credit. Measures   cial Credit policy. But it seemed that the credit mon-
        were adopted that were the opposite of Social Credit   opolists feared that even a partial implementation of
        principles.  Douglas  described  what  occurred  as  “a   Social Credit would prove so successful that every
        policy of capitulation to orthodox finance. Almost   effort had to be made to prevent it.
        every mistake of strategy which could be made in         We firmly believe  that the Social Credit prin-
        Alberta had been made.”                              ciples will be, when implemented, a very efficient
            It must be noted that although Aberhart was sin-  way to eliminate poverty. However, the only ef-
        cere, he had little knowledge of Social Credit and did   fective way to have the Social Credit proposals ap-
        not understand its technical basis. This often led him   plied by governments is not to promote new par-
        to simplify and thus distort Douglas’ ideas. In the fol-  ties, especially those called “social credit”, but to
        lowing years, fifteen Social Credit bills were success-  make the Social Credit principles known among the
        fully passed by the Alberta government, but were all   population, in order to create public pressure that
        vetoed by the federal government or ruled unconsti-  will be strong enough to get the government — of
        tutional by Canada’s Supreme Court.                  any  party  in  power  —  to  issue  its  own  currency,
            The  problem  was  that  money  and  banking  are   without debt, and to implement the principles of
        under federal jurisdiction, according to the Canadian   real Douglas social credit ... and thus fight the false
        Constitution. Douglas explained to Aberhart that Al-                                   Alain Pilote
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