Page 28 - Michael 2024 May
P. 28

Economic Democracy Not Through Politicians

           But Humble Apostles Who Bring About God’s Action

            One of the obstacles that MICHAEL has been fac-      “Among  the actions and
        ing for a year or two is the emergence of a system   attitudes opposed to the will
        of control and espionage in Communist China called   of God, the good of neighbor
        “social credit”, which is confusing, since it is under this   and the ‘structures’ created
        same name that the financial proposals of the Scottish   by them, two are very  typ-
        engineer  Clifford Hugh  Douglas,  conceived in 1917,   ical: on the one hand, the all-
        and taught since 1935 by Louis Even and MICHAEL,     consuming  desire  for profit,
        were propagated to fight poverty and correct the vices   and  on the  other,  the  thirst
        of the current financial system. It is to avoid this confu-  for power, with the intention
        sion that MICHAEL increasingly uses the words “eco-  of imposing one’s will  upon
        nomic democracy” to refer to the financial proposals   others.”
        of Douglas. As a matter of fact, his first book on the   These two “attitudes op-
        subject, in 1918, was entitled Economic Democracy.   posed to the will of God” de-
            The “social credit” taught by MICHAEL is the com-  scribe the  behavior  of Inter-  Saint John Paul II
        plete opposite of Communism, because it respects     national  Bankers quite well:
        private property and individual freedom, and wants to   first,  the  thirst  to  accumulate  billions  of  dollars,  and
        make each citizen a true “capitalist”, that is to say, the   second — once they have more billions of dollars than
        owner of a capital coming from the double-fold com-  they will ever be able to spend on themselves — the
        mon heritage of natural resources and inventions of   desire to impose by force their will on the nations and
        previous generations.                                peoples of the whole world.
            However, until recently, another obstacle was also   As the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches,
        confusing, namely, the  existence  of political parties   one fights a vice with the virtue opposed to it. In this
        called “social credit”: such a party existed in Canada   case,  we  must therefore  fight  the  selfishness of the
        on the federal scene until 1980, and was even in power   bankers with our own gift of self, our self-dedication.
        in two provinces, Alberta (from 1935 to 1971) and Brit-  This is precisely what Saint John Paul II wrote a few
        ish Columbia (from 1952 to 1991, except for the years   paragraphs  later  in  the  same  encyclical  mentioned
        1972 to 1975), but without applying any principles of   above:
        the financial reform of Douglas. (We will discuss the    “These attitudes and ‘structures of sin’ are only
        Alberta experiment of 1935 at the end of this article.)  conquered — presupposing the help of divine grace
            This is what led some people to believe that MI-  — by a diametrically  opposed attitude:  a commit-
        CHAEL, when talking about “social credit”, is promot-  ment to the good of one’s neighbor with the readi-
        ing this former political party called “social credit”. In   ness, in the Gospel sense, to “lose oneself” for the
        reality, MICHAEL does not promote any political party,   sake of the other…”
        old or new, and its ideas can be applied by any politic-  No change in society can be achieved without the
        al party already in power. As Douglas and Louis Even   gift of self. And a great cause like Social Credit, or eco-
        always  explained,  we  will not  obtain  the  application   nomic democracy, is no exception.
        of Social Credit by promoting political parties, wheth-                                                                Alain Pilote
        er they are called “social credit” or otherwise, but by
        educating the people and doing apostolate work, giv-                   by Louis Even
        ing of oneself.                                                 Two contradictory terms
            If it is not by a political party, then what is the for-  Question — Could Social Credit (or Economic
        mula for applying Social Credit?  The formula advo-  Democracy) be used as a platform for a political party?
        cated by MICHAEL is to educate the population on
        the  solution to  be  brought to  the  current  financial   The first obvious answer is: “This question does
        system, to allow the government, regardless of what   not make sense.” It doesn’t for whoever really knows,
        party  or allegiance,  to apply  this financial reform.   on the one hand, what Social Credit is all about, and
        Without this strength in the people, the pressures of   on the other hand, what a political-party platform is.
        Financiers on governments win the day.                   Would you ask: “Could the multiplication table
            In his encyclical letter Sollicitudo rei socialis (the   be used as a platform for a political party?” or “Could
        social concern of the Church), Pope Saint John Paul II   the existence of the St. Lawrence River in Canada, the
        wrote (n. 37):                                       Mississippi River in the United States, the Alps in Eur-
                                                             ope, be used as a platform for a political party?”

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