Page 96 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 96
one needs to know their people well. One must dis- became independent, Kenya took the capitalistic
cern their concerns well and care for the flock. We direction. Kenya was, and still is, a capitalist democ-
want to do that but as one of us said we want to save racy. Our friends and brothers in Tanzania took the
souls. As I think about saving souls, I go around in route of socialist democracy. They remain so. But we
my mind and my heart and discover that foremost, learned together; we learned from one another how
I must save myself first. Then I will save others. This to go about these things and it all revolves around
is a wonderful moment for me to go back home and money.
say I learned something new that will give me a good I remember one day when President Kenyatta
level in life. of Kenya told President Nyerere of
In Kenya we have our own chal- Tanzania, “You are a capitalist and,
lenges. Perhaps like in other African therefore, your community has and
countries, the Christian faith is very will continue making socialistic mis-
vibrant. Despite its vibrancy there takes.” And the other leader replied,
are challenges. We have learned to- “You are a socialist, and therefore
day from one of the speakers that your community will continue mak-
corruption and all other evils in our ing capitalistic mistakes.” So we
society are the result of bad finan- make capitalistic mistakes and we
cial systems. We have undergone make socialistic mistakes but with
a lot of challenges in our financial the information on Social Credit I
directions. You may have heard think it will help us to find a balance.
that Kenya is one of the most cor- It is about how we go about with our
rupt countries, not only in Africa, but friends with the money in our ever-
throughout the world. This means growing families.
that there is a lot of funding but the I want to conclude by saying
rich become richer and the poor be- last week or last month we came
come poorer. As a Church we have up with the venture of talking with
a challenge to face. We have learned Bishop Philip Anyolo government officials about money
a lot when we hear about the Social Credit financial and about corruption in the country. We have writ-
system. Our people need it! ten already a pastoral letter to the government about
We come to learn that fighting corruption con- the rates and how to help the poor who also have
sists of not only arresting and imprisoning people nothing. So we are going to continue on the 6th of
but also in giving them the knowledge of how to go October (2018) when we shall again have dialogue
about finance for the greater glory of the name of with the government to see how we could go about
God and the sanctity of the human person. For that helping people with money, with how people deal
reason we look at it from the point of view of the with money and credit in the country, and not just
practice within the Church and within the Gospel politics.
teachings. We know the Church gives us our faith to And finally we do not forget that this is a spiritual
witness to the truth in life. It gives us a challenge to war just as it is in any other African country. I want
be a witness; a witness in life. We are really grateful to encourage African countries, in all that we go
that this family of Saint Michael’s is ready to stand up through with challenges in our own countries, that
and be a witness to the reality of life. we should spiritualize our energy and our efforts.
Saint John Paul II said, “All of us human persons, In Kenya we have a shrine to Mary, Mother of
no matter if you are rich or poor, you have some- God, and every October we meet at this shrine. This
thing to give, and you have something to receive.” shrine gathers Kenyans by the thousands. When they
The poor cannot be so poor that they have nothing come there we talk to them about how we should
to give to God and the rich cannot be so rich that be a nation and how we should be a country, even
there is nothing they can receive from God. This bal- politically. And the response is always very positive.
ance is the question in our lives and we must wit- We know where we are going as African people,
ness to that as the mission of martyrdom in our faith how Kenya has come during the elections last year,
within the Church. and many other things that we have gone through.
We are learning here how to be servants of God But it is because of the prayer that the people make
like God Himself did, to serve even in the material through the intercession of Mary, the Mother of God,
life. We have learned a great deal and we will pray at this shrine and at various places, that we are able
that we can implement this knowledge in our coun- to go that way.
try. So I came with this message and I came to say
In the early days, when the countries in Africa thank you very much! v
+ Bishop Philip Anyolo
96 2018 session