Page 95 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 95

u      Dear brothers  and  sisters,  as  I  have  said,  this   out of poverty and learn the Social Credit principles.
        apostolate is quite unique. It is unique because it calls   I started in the diocese a “micro-finance” program.
        for innovative approaches in order to penetrate and   Right  now  it  is  established  throughout  the  diocese
        because it deals with money.                         and there are more than 30,000 members. In this pro-
            Anything  that  deals  with  money  calls  for  other   gram money is loaned without interest. The people
        things such as that one may be ready to die or that   come together in a group. You bring your money and
        one is ready to encounter difficulties in life in order to   I bring mine, and then that money is given to who-
        deal with the problem. It is a very unique apostolate   ever needs a loan to develop himself or herself. The
        that we are dealing with.                                            principal amount alone is returned.
            The  problems  with  money  are                                     Together with the groups that
        not unique to Europe and America                                     we have formed, we have also util-
        and other first world countries. They                                ized  small  Christian  communities.
        are also very much alive in Africa.                                  These small communities are very
        Modernism is coming to Africa and                                    strong. We have used these small
        destroying our people. Not only is                                   Christian communities to implement
        the  issue  money  and  other  social                                the principles of Social Credit, espe-
        facets but also the issue is faith. Faith                            cially the micro-finance projects that
        is being destroyed by encroaching                                    I have just mentioned.
        modernism.                                                              If you wish to fight evil, don’t
            Today, in Europe, America and                                    start at the top, start from the low-
        in Africa, there is what we call moral                               est. In order to fight this evil, I had
        theology, or moral ethics and the                                    better start with the lowest people so
        idea of an ethic-free society. Many                                  that we can come grow together and
        people would like to forge an ethic-                                 later  on  we  shall  shake  the  banks.
        free society, where the law does not      Bishop Joseph Mbati        In my diocese, only the banks are
        matter, where the good life does not matter, where   shaking. They say: “What is the Bishop doing? The
        morality does not matter and where Faith does not    Bishop is doing something which is abnormal.”
        matter. In this case, we are fighting a very big animal.   I had given them the Social Credit pamphlet, An
        Are we going to lose hope? Never! We are not going   Efficient Financial System. As I was leaving, they said
        to lose hope. We are going to face the challenge to   to me, “Bishop, you want to finish the banks!” And I
        fight this big creature.                             told them that I do not want to finish the banks but
            The Kingdom of God is growing, as we are told    that I want them to follow the right system for eco-
        in the Gospel of St, Matthew. A seed was planted;    nomics; this is what I told them. And I am going to
        a mustard seed which will germinate. And when it     continue to make sure that they will follow the right
        germinates, it grows and becomes a very big tree in   track on this.
        which the birds of the air seek shelter. So the King-    I am grateful to all of you at the Louis Even In-
        dom of God is growing. Since it is growing, we will   stitute and its leadership for the invitation to attend
        count ourselves in that particular Kingdom and de-   this study session. If I am invited again I am willing
        fend it at all costs.                                to come back another time. Know that the Church in
            After learning the principles of Social Credit dur-  Kenya is already experiencing some light. Thank you
        ing my first study session I decided to implement    and God bless you! less you! v
        what I studied in order to assist my people to come                           + Bishop Joseph Mbati
                       Speech of Bishop Philip Anyolo of Kenya

            My name is Bishop Philip Arnold Anyolo. I am     gospels, we also have the social gospel, especially
        from Kenya, Africa. It is first my time here. The last   necessary in countries like ours, including Kenya.
        time that I was supposed to come I missed by inch-       As shepherds, Bishop Joseph Ndembu Mbatia
        es.. This was very unfortunate but this time I would   and I are from Kenya. Our country is divided exactly
        like to say thanks be to God and I am very happy to   into two halves at the Equator. I am from the southern
        be here. So, all protocol observed, I appreciate all   hemisphere and he is from the northern hemisphere,
        that we have learned from the study session. I want   so he lives nearer to you than I do. When we return
        to assure our members here that at our own levels    home we want to work together because we know
        we shall propagate and pronounce officially what is   our call as shepherds is found in the Gospel and also
        taught here because we believe that this is the social   in the Old Testament. I want to quote the Book of
        gospel of the Church. Just as we have the spiritual   Proverbs (27:23) where it says that as a shepherd

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