Page 90 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 90
Love of Money Is at the Root of All Evil
Reflections by Bishop Mathieu Madega Lebouakehan
Since 2006, more than 70 down the bus, have all of us leave
bishops from Africa have vis- the bus, and even prevent us from
ited Rougemont to take part in boarding the bus. It is for these rea-
our Study Sessions on Economic sons that I want you to:
Democracy, also called Social First, let us not allow fear to be-
Credit. The first was Bernard Car- come greater than hope, since God
dinal Agré of the Ivory Coast who is calling us and is with us. If our
joined us three times. But another hope is sufficient, let us arm our-
bishop from Africa is undoubtedly selves with courage, which we call
the most enthusiastic supporter of faith, to acknowledge that with God
the Michael Journal’s cause. This as our ally we will persevere on our
is Bishop Mathieu Madega Le- journey and reach our destination.
bouakehan of the Mouila diocese
of Gabon. As he did in the previous Secondly, there comes love.
years’ Study Sessions, upon mas- Bishop Mathieu Madega We need to love each other sin-
tering the material well, he taught cerely because without love, in-
one of the lessons. In October 2013, we were pleased cluding love of bankers, we will
when he gave Pope Francis a copy of Alain Pilote’s wage war against one another. As you know, no one
book “Economic Democracy in 10 Lessons”. wishes to lose a war. If our primary concern is in sav-
ing each other and ourselves, then let us humbly
On September 29, 2017, which was the feast day carry the Social Credit message to the greatest num-
of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, and ber of people to rid ourselves of a burden which can
incidentally the last day of our study week, Bishop only slow us down on our journey to God.
Madega addressed us. Readers are invited to medi-
I believe that all the problems we now face arise
tate upon his words. simply because each day we depart from the basic
by Bishop Mathieu Madega Lebouakehan
For us Social Crediters, our concern for the hu-
man being is great. But we should turn our attention
to He who is most concerned for our happiness, God Bishop Mathieu
Himself. This is why He sent prophets, and when the Madega blesses
time was ripe, He sent His Son. Louis Even’s monu-
This is why I told you to take care of the Virgin ment in front of
Mary who gave us the Saviour. By being her allies, Maison Saint-Michel
and supported by the extraordinary grace, that of the at Rougemont, on
Archangels whose feast we celebrate today, and by September 29, 2017.
the whole Celestial Court, we can begin our journey
toward our destination, Heaven. At the same time,
with God’s help, we concern ourselves with our
brothers and sisters. While on a trip, if someone be-
comes sick, we do not ask that they leave the bus on
which we are travelling and go on without them. We
want to attend to them and go forward together.
Today’s system is rigged
Whereas, presently, living, consuming goods and
generally addressing material needs is rigged against
us by the money system, we also know that bankers,
evildoers and believers are all created for Heaven.
Our concern must be to take care of one another in
the present so all make it to Heaven.
Together with the angels, we know there are
enemy powers that will go out of their way to slow
90 2017 session