Page 94 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 94
approach quickly. Let us reject the works of darkness. Credit. In this struggle, the lion will surely roar. The
Let us remove our shackles. bankers will become extinct, like dinosaurs, but first,
During the days we have spent together, we have they will seek us out. They will make an attempt on
clothed ourselves with the light of the teachings of our lives, but remain steadfast. After all, Christ tells
Social Credit. For the battle ahead, we need neither us that “I have overcome the world”. Hope will not
firearms nor explosives. What we need is the truth. let us down. The Queen of the world will ask her Son
Our weapons are the light and teachings on Social for great miracles. The Bankers and Communists will
Credit. depart from their thrones. Christ will be King of the
Let us, therefore, act with the conviction and world.
the determination illustrated in the parable we I was happy that the recitation of the Rosary and
heard during the week of the sower of seeds. Let the offering of the Holy Mass were at the heart of our
us spread Social Credit far and wide. Some of the study session, as this battle is not ours; it is God’s bat-
seeds will undoubtedly fall on the barren ground of tle. Thus, by praying and celebrating the Mass each
the financial system and will be trampled upon, but day, Our Lord watches over each one of us in battle.
some will fall on Social Credit soil and will bear fruit Let us remember Our Lord’s protection and not retreat
one hundredfold. before the bankers’ assaults, attacks and other man-
This was my first time participating in a study ses- euvers.
sion in Rougemont. I wish to be realistic in the per- I will return home to Cameroon filled with hap-
sonal battle I am about to undertake. First I will share piness after this study session. It is not that I have
the wealth of knowledge I gained with my colleagues. learned everything, nor do I understand all of Social
I hope this will instill in their hearts a profound desire Credit. I wish to note that with this first exposure
to become Social Crediters. I will do all that I pos- to Social Credit principles, I am but like a baby, still
sibly can so that my fellows and others might drink at drinking milk. With more study, I will understand So-
the spring of Social Credit. I wish that, in my diocese, cial Credit like an adult who eats solid food. I consider
we will train an army of followers who will be able to myself to be like the blind man who was touched by
dislodge the current social system, which is so de- Christ the first time but could only faintly see. I will re-
humanizing, in favor of Social Credit. turn again so that our pilot [study session instructor,
Alain Pilote] might once again apply Social Credit to
I extend encouragement to those who have al- my eyes so that I may see clearly; so I will not be a
ready joined in the fight for Social Credit; this is blind person hoping to lead the blind.
everyone’s battle, the same battle for all. However,
we know that the devil prowls like a roaring lion, We have faith and we will overcome. May the
pacing back and forth stalking its prey. Let us resist Lord grant us the grace to persevere in the battle that
the devil with the power of our faith. Let us resist lies ahead, and together we will courageously build a
and counter him with the power and truth of Social better future. Thank you. v
+ Bishop Emmanuel Abbo
Speech of Bishop Joseph Mbatia of Kenya
Your Lordships and my brother priests and reli- to help the people in my diocese. Together with my
gious, the Directors of the Louis Even Institute and brother Bishop, we will be able to help other dioceses
also all other members present, Good Evening! and perhaps establish an institute of Social Credit in
I am Bishop Joseph Mbatia from Kenya, from the our country, Kenya.
Diocese of Nyahururu, situated on the equator. We I appreciate that I was given this opportunity to
are proud of this and feel that God has blessed us learn about Social Credit. The first time I came here I
because we are on the equator. was a poor Bishop and decided to attend after receiv-
This is my second time at this particular seminar ing an invitation although I knew nothing about the
that has such a very unique nature. I was ordained a subject. I learned quite a lot. This time around I had
priest 30 years ago at the age of 27, but it is here in been speaking with Bishop Philip to encourage him to
Rougemont that I have attended the first seminar of also attend this seminar so he too could understand
this kind. It is unique because in the seminary this what I learned. Then maybe we could help one an-
subject was never taught. We were taught about eco- other to implement this philosophy of Social Credit.
nomics and accounting but we were never taught I also appreciated the warm welcome we re-
about Social Credit. ceived when we arrived here. Like my first visit, we
As I said, this is the second time I have attended were met at the airport and were warmly welcomed.
this seminar. I have learned quite a lot. In addition We appreciate the welcome and sincere hospitality
to what I have learned I think that now I will be able that we have enjoyed at the Louis Even Institute. u
94 2018 session