Page 91 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 91

Love of Money Is at the Root of All Evil   ourselves and love each other while at the same time
            knowledge given to us by God. We cannot love

 Reflections by Bishop Mathieu Madega Lebouakehan   taking advantage of our brothers and sisters. This
        is an impossible situation. Mothers and fathers love
        their children and ask their help for the family’s well-
        being at times. But because of love and the desire to
        share our lives, we do not take advantage of our chil-
        dren. If love is lacking, a desire to exploit each other
        and trample one another will arise.
                 Uprooting the love of money

            Since the  One  who started  us on this  journey
        wants us to be accountable for our companions —
        He said to Cain: “Where is thy brother Abel? (Gen-
        esis 4:9) — we must wake up. It is God who tells us,
        through St. Paul, that the love of money is the root
        of all evils. (1 Timothy 6:10.) We must ask for the
        supernatural grace needed to uproot and kill this
        love of money which we have.
            I refer emphatically to the love of money within             Jesus and the rich young man
        us. Let me explain. We wear many things, such as     make matters more difficult, Jesus tells us that it is
        hats, scarves, glasses, jewelry, belts, shirts, pants,   easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle
        shoes, etc. Although they are useful items, we wear   than for a rich man to go to Heaven. He who says
        many because we love them. For example, for those    these things did not come to entertain us. The words
        who wear eyeglasses, do you wear them because you    are serious ones. Jesus gave us the weapons to get
        love them? Probably, not; you love the sense of sight.   to Heaven. Let us all remember to make an effort.
        Since eyeglasses are a means to sight, you wear them.  These thoughts explain why most religious orders
            Just as eyeglasses are useful, I would like      and groups and consecrated lay persons who wish
        that money be considered in the same manner, as      to answer God’s call also take a vow of poverty as
                                                             well as vows of obedience and chastity.
        something useful. Money is useful in the exchange
        of goods. We must first seek to remove the love of                 The love of poverty
        money within us and spread the message. When we          This may be why the One who created all things
        correct the monetary system, all things will become   said: “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness there-
        easier. Consider that eyeglasses are called corrective   of: The world and all they that dwell therein” (Psalm
        lenses. They help correct our vision.                23:1). When He became flesh and was born, there
            God tells us, through St. Paul, that the love of   was no place for Him at the inn, and He was born in a
        money is not a good thing. Also the Church, our      stable. This sober thought should intrigue and guide
        Mother, through our Popes and saints, tells us what   us to use earthly goods respectfully, since they are
        we must be aware of.                                 a gift from God. Gifts from our beloved bring us joy,
            This brings to mind a serious matter: The choice   and so we must respond with joy when we receive a
        of following Jesus or not following Him. There is in   gift from Heaven.
        the Gospel someone many times better than I and          May the world that God gave us to sustain us not
        perhaps better than all of us. This man followed all   destroy our love for He who gave the gift. I would
        the Commandments, including loving his fellow man.   add that we must not cut off the hand of the gift giver
        It is the story of the rich young man (Matthew 19:   when accepting that which He offers, particularly if
        16-30) who tells Jesus: “All of these I have kept from   we want more gifts. Rather, let us open our hands in
        my youth”. It could be said that he was a saint since   order to receive the gift. The misuse of earthly goods
        his youth. He asks Jesus what he must do and Jesus   is the same as cutting off God’s hand while saying:
        answers: “Go, sell what thou hast, and give it to the   “We care only for the gift. You — You can leave.
        poor, and thou shalt have treasure in Heaven; and        We have spoken about God and the saints. Let
        come follow Me”. (Matthew 19: 21.) As we know, the   us now talk about Louis Even, a man who had taken
        young man left, saddened because he owned much       vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. He discov-
        wealth.                                              ered a joyful manner to live and teach this poverty to
            Dear friends, if you are extremely wealthy, if you   those around him by saying that Social Credit is the
        are a banker, etc, I do not wish this on you. Perhaps   right way to live the Gospel’s teachings about pov-
        you are already honest in your dealings and have fol-  erty and works of mercy. These will be the test for
        lowed the rules whether they are positive or not. To   reaching Heaven (Matthew 25).                    u

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