Page 87 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 87

In my village, part of this diocese, is found one of   At times, their salaries are not even declared to
        the largest mines of Burkina-Faso. The people of the   the proper authorities. This is unjust. Thus I am an
        village like to say: “Here in Sabce, we walk on gold.”   exploiter. I believe that I, myself, must change so as
        True enough, they walk on gold and they lack every-  to change the world. Therefore pray for me that I may
        thing! The peasants of Sabce cannot afford to buy    change.
        an egg. And small cubicles were built for families that   The second matter that comes to my mind is the
        can hardly hold two people, And all the silver, all of   pastoral benefit  I  derive  from  this  week  of  forma-
        the gold, go elsewhere. I don’t know where.          tion: The way the Pilgrims of Saint Michael carry out
            I feel that we are being exploited. Gold produc-  their teaching can be applied to the pastoral field in
        tion in  Burkina-Faso  was discussed at the Bishops   spreading the Good News. The Pope invites us to go
        Conference on several occasions. Our country is      out of our way. You give us the example of how to
        overflowing  with  gold! There  is gold everywhere.   go far and wide. In the diocese, we have many Cath-
        Gold everywhere. And in my diocese of Koudougou,     olic Action movements, we have the Catholic Charis-
        not only is there gold but we also have zinc. And the   matic Renewal, from the oldest to the youngest, etc.,
        people are just                                                                        but often, we re-
        as poor as ever                                                                        main    between
        before.                                                                                ourselves, we do
            School     is                                                                      not go to the out-
        taught under a                                                                         skirts.
        hut, as we say.                                                                           At present, all
        Children     are                                                                       of our villages are
        schooled  under                                                                        invaded by Prot-
        the trees. Chil-                                                                       estants.  I  once
        dren do not have                                                                       paid a pastoral
        desks,  so  it  is  in                                                                 visit to a Protest-
        the Sahel region.                                                                      ant family that
        In many schools,                                                                       lives close to the
        they  sit  on  the                                                                     bishopry.  There
        ground.      And                                                                       was a university
        as  we  say  back                                                                      scholar in the
        home,      every-                                                                      family. And when
        one has his own                                                                        I  began    pre-
        hole.    Children                                                                      senting  myself,
        put an elbow to                                                                        he said: «I know
        the ground and        Bishop Ouedraogo surrounded by our directress, Therese Tardif    your village!» and
        lie down on the                     and our director, Marcel Lefebvre                  went on to say
        ground  to  write.                                                                     that on weekends
        After a while of putting an elbow on the ground,     and holidays, the Protestants universitarians divide
        everyone has burrowed a hole, and if you change      the villages of Burkina Faso between themselves and
        holes, your elbow won’t fit. And when the time comes   go out to evangelize them, to carry out pastoral visits.
        to pass their certificate, they are taken to town. They   And I ask you, what do you do? We remain amongst
        don’t know then how to sit at a table. They ask to be   ourselves, we do not reach out to the outskirts. Your
        allowed to sit on the ground to write. And this goes   pastoral method inspires me a great deal and upon my
        on in a Burkina-Faso that is overflowing with gold!  return I wish to share this with my collaborators so as
            So, we are exploited. I am exploited, and I find   to truly spread the Good News.
        this revolting. You have made me aware of this fact.        And for the benefits I received, for these ques-
            I say that I am, also, an exploiter. And this is the   tions and for the calling into question that this visit
        very thing that kept me awake after listening to Mr. de   has brought upon me, I extend a simple thank you!
        Siebenthal. I am an exploiter when I am silent before       There is a saying in my country: One cannot
        an injustice. We do not have the right to remain si-  pick flour up using only one finger. You need two fin-
        lent. I am an exploiter because of my attitude towards   gers to scoop up flour. This is a call to unity in action
        money and earthly goods. And I ask myself the fol-   so that, bit by bit, we may raise up this world, and
        lowing two questions:                                that we may bring a lot more justice to our society.
            l  As a Bishop, how do I see the poor?                  This is what I wanted to share with you. May
            l  How are the employees in my missions treat-   God bless you!
        ed?                                                                                 Bishop Joachim Ouédraogo

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