Page 86 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 86

“I came and I saw!”

           Testimony of Bishop Joachim Ouedraogo of Burkina Faso

            Here are excerpts from the speech given by Most   matic community whose members have faith in what
        Rev. Joachim Hermenegilde Ouedraogo, Bishop of       they do.
        Koudougou in Burkina Faso, at the end of our Au-         l  I saw the Pilgrims of Saint Michael, a commun-
        gust, 2015 study session in Rougemont on economic    ity that testifies to the Good News.
        democracy. (Please take note that a session in Eng-
        lish only will take place in Rougemont August 21-28,     l  I saw the Pilgrims of Saint Michael, a commun-
        2016. See back cover for more information.)          ity concerned with mankind’s future.
                                                                 l  I saw the Pilgrims of Saint Michael, a commun-
            My name is Joachim Hermenegilde Ouedraogo.
        I am now the Bishop of the diocese of Koudougou      ity that loves God and which goes to the outposts of
                                                             society to make Jesus Christ known, to make Jesus
        in west central Burkina-Faso. In                                         Christ loved, to foster the imita-
        2004, I was appointed Bishop                                             tion of Jesus Christ.
        of the diocese of Dori, at the
        far north of Burkina-Faso. The                                              l  I saw the Pilgrims of Saint
        population there is mainly Mus-                                          Michael,  a  community  that  has
        lim, 95 percent Muslim and one                                           and that will cause an earth-
        percent Christian; a diocese the                                         quake in today’s economic sys-
        size  of  Belgium.  From  there,  I                                      tem.
        was transfered  to the diocese                                              l  I have seen lay people,
        of Koudougou on November 4,                                              men  and women, priests and
        2011.                                                                    bishops who believe that good
            I first met your MICHAEL                                             will prevail over evil, that love
        movement in 2011, through                                                will  prevail  over  hatred,  justice
        one of your directors, Marcel                                            over injustice, generosity over
        Lefebvre. I was then Bishop of                                           selfishness, and economic dem-
        Dori and Apostolic Administra-                                           ocracy over the dictatorship
        tor for the Koudougou diocese.                                           of today’s worldwide financial
        To make my story short, let us                                           dictatorship. And it is you I am
        say there are 370 kilometers be-                                         speaking of!
        tween the two dioceses. Each                                                l  I have also seen beautiful
        time, I had to travel across two                                         empty  churches,  witnesses  of
        dioceses before reaching Kou-                                            the Church’s glorious past upon
        dougou. I would spend two weeks in Koudougou,        this Canadian land.
        three days in Ouagadougou (the capital city), two        These seven–what I was about to call–“visions”
        weeks in Dori, and back again. This almost killed me   have raised in me two questions: I have discovered
        in the end.                                          to some extent the present financial system and
            Marcel insisted so much and spoke so highly of   I have discovered that I am both exploited and ex-
        MICHAEL and of the Pilgrims of Saint Michael, that I   ploiter. After listening to Mr. de Siebenthal’s lesson, I
        wrote on October 15, 2011, to answer the invitation   could not sleep the following night. The teachings of
        to take part to the March 2012 meeting and on Oc-    Mr. Pilote and of all the other speakers have taught us
        tober 17, I received the information needed for my   how we are being exploited. Without being a math-
        taking part.                                         ematician, when I cast an empirical look at my past
              But  meanwhile,  on  November  4,  2011,  I  was   and present life, I can see that I am being exploited,
        made Bishop of Koudougou. My new responsibilities    that we are being exploited. Our people are being ex-
        left me with less time to accept ulterior invitations.   ploited.
        But Marcel’s tenacity won over other considerations.     The diocese of Ouahigouya, where I come from,
        He went so far as to use one of my relations, Father   overflows with gold. There are two large mines in the
        Patrice Savadogo of Ivory Coast, also present now, to   diocese, and one of these mines was sacked by the
        convince me to come.                                 Muslims’ revolt against this exploitation. The diocese
            I came and I saw!                                of Dori, in the far north, has many gold mines. The
            l  I saw the Pilgrims of Saint Michael, a charis-  young  people  in  the  city  of  Youga  once  marched
                                                             against the mining authorities.

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