Page 85 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 85
u Louis Even and the Pilgrims of St. Michael. Then, let that nature does not lend to anyone. What has God
us take action, and live as happy and as prosperous as ever loaned to any of you? He has given you every-
Divine Providence will permit. Living, of course, in ac- thing! And if God gives us everything, why then do
cordance with the Will of God our Father. Live in peace some bankers appropriate for themselves what God
with God, with others, and with ourselves. has given us, and then lend it to others? Do you find
We should think like this: Money is nothing but a that normal? But what is the problem? The problem
number, figures, digits, a symbol. It is not the “number” is that, he who covers up the crime is the biggest liar.
that is the real wealth. Here I have a paper on which I To take it a bit further we can say that we are all
write the words, “nine chairs”. There is obviously a dif- children of God our Father, Creator of Heaven and
ference between this paper, and the 9 chairs stacked Earth. And if God who gives us all the goods of the
in the corner of the room. If I crinkle up this paper and Earth, started charging us interest, making His children
throw it away, it is gone. But the nine chairs do not slaves — would you find this normal? All too often we
disappear. The fact is that, the figures on the paper are turn from God — Who is the Light of the world — and
just that; figures. These figures are accepted as means we fall into darkness.
of payment because they allow us to live, to purchase To face the academic world, we must discover
goods and services. the truth of the facts. But it is not only rationality, we
To accept, as we do today, that we must starve to also need a living faith. In faith we love even the “bad”
death because of an absence of figures is not worthy bankers. With love, we can overcome evil.
of anyone who “thinks”! With our without the paper What more can I say to you, my friends! When I
on which I wrote the words “nine chairs”, the nine came here the first time you tried to convince me…
chairs actually exist, materially speaking. The figures and the second time, again… this is now my third time
are not the chairs; they are simply a symbol of the here and I am persuaded. To have persuaded me, two
chairs, and a symbol is not the real thing. Money is things were necessary:
a ticket, a symbol that represents something that is
1. To speak well of my God and of my Church. If
real (e.g. products). I think we understand now that you do not speak well of my God and my Church, I
it is not money that is the real wealth... will listen with love, and I will ask you if we can walk
In the book, The Social Credit Proposals Explained together, but do not speak badly of my God or Holy
in 10 Lessons, by Alain Pilote, we read, “…one country Mother, the Church.
freeing itself from this dictatorship and issuing its own
interest and debt-free currency, setting the example 2. The subject must be rational and logical. If it is
of what an honest system could be, would be enough not rational or logical, I can not walk with you.
to bring about the worldwide collapse of the bankers’ I want you to remember that Social Credit is ap-
swindling debt-money system.” plied Christianity. Only one person can raise us up;
I would like to add to this, one word; effectively. that is the Risen Christ. Let us all remain united in faith,
“…one country freeing itself effectively from this dic- hope and charity.
tatorship…” Not by giving the system a new façade, + Bishop Mathieu Madega Lebouakehan
as though changing
the color with a fresh
coat of paint. No, it
must be done with a
national conscious-
ness, that everyone
will see that this is the
path to true freedom.
Someone pointed out
Mass during our
Congress on Sunday,
August 31, 2014, at St.
Michael’s church in
Rougemont, with the
priests who took part
in our study session.
In the center, Bishop
Madega of Gabon.