Page 88 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 88
“Social Credit Is a Light upon My Path”
A Testimony Given by Fr. Faustin Nyombayire of Rwanda
In his article “Money, an instrument of exchange ing, the one you have already heard: “A light upon
and distribution” (see p. 20), Louis Even explains that my path!”
today’s financial system is flawed; it is based upon These are the words Louis Even exclaimed upon
false accounting, and people lack the purchasing reading J. Crate Larkin’s book From Debt to Prosper-
power they need to buy the basic necessities of life. ity. This one writing set this whole Movement in mo-
Upon discovering the writings of the Scottish engin- tion. “A light upon my path”, I now make mine these
eer, Clifford Hugh Douglas, in 1934, on the financial words. Everyone must know this.
reform called Social Credit, Mr. Even exclaimed:
“This is a light upon my path. Everyone must be These weeks of study on Economic Democracy
made aware of this.” This is what led him to abandon seen in the light of the social doctrine of the Church,
everything else for this Cause and to found the MI- have lead me to believe, as Douglas did, that Social
CHAEL and Vers Demain Journals. Credit is nothing less than applied Christianity.
People who discover and I mentioned it shortly be-
study Social Credit in greater fore my getting here. I had
depth react in the same way. read “Who are the Real Rul-
Since 2006, study sessions on ers of the World?” and I was
the Social Credit monetary re- already bewildered at discov-
form (Economic Democracy), ering this sad and terrifying
have been held twice a year truth, but I was also outraged at
in Rougemont. They were at- the thought that people ignore
tended by students from all over this, beginning with myself, a
the world, many of whom were priest involved for some time
African priests and bishops. To in a national initiative to make
this day, more than seventy Af- known the social doctrine of the
rican bishops have taken part in Church. I had no knowledge of
these study sessions. The last of these matters even as a teacher
these sessions was held April and as rector of a university.
14-23, 2016, and once again, all So, through these weeks
participants were delighted. of study, well directed by Mr.
Note that the next study ses- Alain Pilote, and through all the
sion in Rougemont is to be held July 21-29, 2016 (in substantial elements that were offered including the
French, with simultaneous translation into English). It icing on the cake provided by Mr. François de Sie-
will be followed by our annual Congress. An English- benthal, I was able to identify the root of the evil and
only session will take place in Rougemont on August the part played by the Evil One within the system
21-27, 2016. Here is the testimony of one of the par- that now governs the world.
ticipants, Fr. Faustin Nyombayire, from the diocese The banking system that has taken over the
of Byumba, Rwanda. He is the Rector of the Univer- power of governments who ought to be sovereign,
sity of Technologies and the Arts that is attended by exercises the right of life and death – more so the
some 3,000 students. right of death – over whole populations that it main-
Fr. Faustin Nyombayire’s testimony tains in misery. I did not know the meaning of the
national debt. And this network’s deceit that con-
I have known about the Work of the Pilgrims sists in calling a blessing what is truly a curse (the
of Saint Michael for a year or so. A colleague who public debt). The perverting of this same system that
came here, spoke about it and soon after, a member creates money out of nothing to eventually make it
of our diocese who now lives in Canada and who is disappear into the abyss, but an abyss that annihi-
a fervent follower of this Movement… For the last six lates whole populations in the process. This places
months, I obtained more information on the internet. us inches away from the devil’s tail, from his sinister
On the plane that was taking me from Kigali to Am- face that brings such harm to God’s children.
sterdam and from Amsterdam to Montreal, I glanced
through and eventually perused through the Special And I have learned – so did my colleague and the
Issue “Who are the REAL Rulers of the World?” If I other participants – that poor countries are not pre-
were to say a single sentence, it would be the follow- destined to be poor, because of some fatality. That
88 2016 session