Page 93 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 93

“The Fight for Social Credit Is Everyone’s Battle”

                  Thoughts of Bishops After Our Study Session

            At our most recent study session in Rougemont on   shocking, frustrating, frightening, humiliating and ap-
        Social Credit, or Economic Democracy, in September   palling. But we rejoice that the truth has been uncov-
        2018, we had a large delegation from Africa, includ-  ered, since it will restore to us the freedom stolen by
        ing three bishops: Most Rev. Emmanuel Abbo, Bishop   a group of individuals who wish to rule over mankind.
        of Ngaoundere in Cameroon, Most Rev. Philip Anyolo,   This group of decision-makers has skillfully disorgan-
        then Bishop of the diocese of Homabay in Kenya (Pope   ized the distribution of earthly goods in order to be-
        Francis appointed him in November 2018 Archbishop    come their sole and false owners. They have estab-
        of Kisumu), and Most Rev. Joseph Mbatia, Bishop of   lished a dehumanizing system that is based on lies,
        Nyahururu in Kenya, who took                                            treachery, and that is, at times,
        part  for  a  second  session  in                                       criminal.
        Rougemont. First of all, here are                                           Africa has been told that we
        the words of Bishop Abbo at the                                         are poor and need help, when
        end of this session:                                                    in fact the help given us was
            I will speak on behalf of the                                       designed to impoverish us. We
        Cameroon delegation today. Dear                                         have  been  told  that  our  coun-
        brother bishops, dear brothers in                                       tries are anemic and need blood
        the priesthood, religious broth-                                        transfusions,  the  same  culprits
        ers and sisters and dear Pilgrims                                       were drawing the last drops of
        of Saint Michael. I wish to thank                                       blood that kept us alive. Our daily
        God who has allowed me to meet                                          preoccupations, public debates
        you because of the work  of  the                                        and thoughts have focused on
        Pilgrims of Saint Michael.                                              earning today’s and tomorrow’s
            During the last two weeks, we                                       bread.  This  daily  ‘bread’  often
        have been part of a new family.                                         consisted  of  weapons.  We  were
        We have grown to know one                                               led to mistake means for goals
        another: to eat together, walk                                          in order to be kept in a darkness
        together, reflect together, speak                                       that created chaos in our minds
        together, celebrate together and                                        and in our societies.
        pray together. We have prayed            Bishop Emmanuel Abbo               This thievery has prevented
        for those who have asked for                                            us from achieving our full de-
        prayer. We have prayed for the Pilgrims who have de-  velopment, because we could not focus on activities
        parted from this earth...                            and functions that were not oriented to economic
            Each one of you has enriched me. This new family   life. The international banking system established by
        that  we  have  created  in  solidarity  and  brotherhood   these thieves made them masters of the world. They
        has been built by the attention and charity we have   are all-powerful and the owners of the world’s rich-
        shown each other. It is the prelude to the revolution-  es. They even believe they own our very lives and
        ary  system  we  wish  to  establish,  that  is,  the  Social   can stop us from breathing if they so desire.
        Credit system that will bring us to a better world.      Vanity of vanities; all of this is nothing but van-
            I wish to highlight the sacrifices made by the   ity since their system is built on quicksand. The time
        many people who give their lives to the work of the   is coming, or it might be here already, when we will
        Pilgrims of Saint Michael. They do so quietly at times,   witness the system’s downfall, and its downfall will
        discreetly, convincingly and with love. When Social   be complete. A storm must first come to pass for this
        Crediters eventually attain worldwide victory, they   vicious banking system to topple. This storm is un-
        will not seek honours. I would like to acknowledge all   doubtedly the teachings of Social Credit.
        of the MICHAEL movement’s apostles who daily dedi-       Dear friends, it is no longer the time for us to settle
        cate themselves in order to afford us a pleasant stay   in our shacks and shanties while we lament our con-
        and lead us to the light of Social Credit.           dition, blaming the system and awaiting the manna
            And thanks to this light,  our eyes  have  been   promised by the bankers. Rather, the hour has come
        opened to the robbery that goes on in the world. We   for us to address the true cause of our misery. The
        were victims until today. What our eyes have seen    time has come to awaken from our sleep, for salvation
        and what our ears have heard here in Rougemont is    is near. Nighttime will soon be gone, and daylight will

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