Page 89 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 89
countries that are said to be poor can in fact be on his way to Heaven, does not live on bread alone.
rich countries, under one condition: they must re- A theology teacher used to tell us, paraphrasing the
gain conscience and be who they truly are, first by Scriptures, that: “Man does not live on bread alone…
understanding what money is, what currency is, should he have any!”
what debt is and what the cursed interests are. Money must also be part of our apostolate. Fran-
The situation in Switzerland is an illustration çois de Siebenthal quoted the French writer Balzac in
of this: a country lacking in everything, materially saying that if the Church does not concern itself with
speaking, has become rich by building with God in the question of money, it will have failed its mission.
mind and by applying what God wishes of us. God This may sound rude, but a missionary used to say
wants us to be happy. He has created us so that we that money is excreted by the devil. But money can
might enjoy happiness, not misery. also be clean: interest-free money.
I have discovered and learned that the social I was both indignant but also happy to learn of
doctrine of the Church is a most urgent aspect of the these invisible powers, allies of the devil or agents
Church’s apostolate. I was surprised – and not alone – of the devil such as Freemasonry and the Illuminati,
in discovering that some of the Church’s documents that direct and manipulate our leaders. They may not
have been set aside. I am thinking of Vix Pervenit, be lacking in good will, but these networks manipu-
and I believe that in this apostolate one must call a late them; they turn our leaders into puppets, and
spade a spade, and hence, they do not
evil, evil. This is what expect our leaders to
the sovereign Pontiffs improve our countries
of the latter centuries but rather to fight for
and of today – we are the bankers’ interests.
blessed with having And this is diabolical!
a succession of holy What then do I
popes, more so in re- retain and what do I
cent times – have said leave with to be used
and are saying: to put by our local church
an end to usury; they and for our country?
condemn usury and We must have the
rise against the wor- courage to be our
shipping of the mod- own selves.
ern golden calf that
money is, as Pope We are created in
Francis often reminds God’s image. We are
us. born kings, priests
and prophets, saved
Upon seeing the Fr. Faustin accompanied by our directress, Thérèse by Jesus Christ. But
Work of the Pilgrims Tardif, and by Marcel Lefebvre, director. we are called upon to
of Saint Michael, the way you live, the way we have enlighten our conscience and to shed light around
in these last few days, I repeat that this is both Mar- us. We must resist ideologies that bear the culture
tha and Mary together doing the Work of God. At of death, in the words of Saint John Paul II. Let us
times, while busy talking about eternal salvation, we reflect here upon such theories as gender theory that
forget that God has also given us a body, that he did would have us believe that upon creating man and
not stop at creating our soul. In human matters, we woman God might have committed a mistake; one is
must therefore take into account our material well- to decide whether he or she will be man or woman.
being since we are not angels. This is one of many aberrations. This brings grist to
I will quote a mystic whose words I will apply to the devil’s mill, he who unleashes the bankers, lead-
you since this is what I see here: “A prayer that is ing to our ruin.
cut off from everyday life, that does not transform To dare to be our own selves, means to stop
us, is but an illusion; also, all activity, even the nob- being influenced by those who have sold their
lest, that is not rooted in prayer, that does not draw souls to Lucifer. Social Credit, “applied Christian-
from the true source, is not activity; it is agitation”. ity”, is worth being known and is worth our making
And the Church does not meddle in political affairs it known in all places and, above all, amongst the
should it engage itself in Social Credit. young, amongst academics who constitute my pri-
While underlining the primacy of spiritual mat- mary field of apostolate, and to this I commit my-
ters and man’s true value, we must be reminded that self. And tomorrow will be a better day.
man, during the time he spends as a pilgrim on earth Fr. Faustin Nyombayire 2016 session 89